

水涛(Tao Shui

水涛男,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,湖北省孤立子研究会监事,入选16877太阳集团安全入口“菁英人才”计划。依托16877太阳集团安全入口微纳光子材料与器件实验室和16877太阳集团安全入口量子光学与信息光子学科研团队,主要从事量子光学、非线性光学和光场调控研究,包括量子相干介质中的原子相干和量子干涉效应及其在光子传输调控方面的应用。目前已 Physical Review AOptics LettersOptics ExpressQuantum Science and Technology等国际权威刊物上发表论文49篇,其中第一/通讯作者论文29,单篇最高引用60。主持国家自然科学基金1项,省级科研项目2项,参与获得湖北省自然科学二等奖(排三)、中国产学研合作创新成果二等奖(排四)各1项。











1. 2023湖北省自然科学二等奖“低维相干介质光传输特性及其量子调控”

2. 2023中国产学研合作创新成果二等奖“基于人工微纳结构的光子传感关键技术及产业化”;

3. 2022年被评为16877太阳集团安全入口“优秀班主任”;

4. 2022年获16877太阳集团安全入口“教学质量优秀奖”。







1. 非弹性二波混频诱导的高效涡旋转换与调控(张贴报告),涡旋光场调控与应用,中国,成都,2024年。

2. 基于四能级冷原子系综的涡旋光束相干转换与调控研究(交流报告),2023年中国光学学会学术大会,中国,武汉,2023年。

3. 基于四能级冷原子气体的涡旋光束的高效转换与相干调控(交流报告),第十三届光学青年学术论坛,中国,莆田,2023年。

4. 基于弱光非线性光学效应的光场调控(主题报告),第五届湖北省孤立子学术研讨会,中国,武汉,2023年。



7. PT对称原子光栅中的非对称拉曼-纳斯衍射(主题报告),第九届应用物理与数学国际会议(ICAPM,泰国,曼谷,2019年。




1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金,20221—202412月,30万元,主持;

2. 湖北省教育厅科学技术研究中青年人才项目,20211—202212月,2万元,主持;

3. 湖北省自然科学基金创新群体项目,20237—20266月,50万元,骨干成员;

4. 江苏省研究生科研与实践创新计划项目,20183—201912月,主持(已结题)。



  1. Xu Deng, Tao Shui *, Wen-Xing Yang*, Inelastic two-wave mixing induced high-efficiency transfer of optical vortices, Optics Express, 2024, 32: 16611-16628.

  2. Le Ai, Tao Shui*, Wen-Xing Yang*, Coherent manipulation of three-dimensional probe absorption spectrum in a strained GaAs-AlGaAs-InAs semiconductor quantum dot, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2024, 56: 1158.

  3. Liang-Xuan Fan, Tao Shui*, Ling Li*, Wen-Xing Yang*, Modulation of Second-Order Sideband Efficiency in an Atom-Assisted Optomechanical System, Photonics, 2024, 11: 416.

  4. Chun Meng, Tao Shui *, Wen-Xing Yang*, Coherent transfer of optical vortices via backward four-wave mixing in a double-Λ atomic system, Physical Review A, 2023, 107: 053712.

  5. Xin Pan, Shao-Peng Liu, Tao Shui*, Wen-Xing Yang*, Optical quadrature squeezing via Faraday effect in Cavity Optomagnonics, Journal of Optical Society of America B, 2023, 12: 3065 (Editors' Pick).

  6. Tong-Zhen Chen, Zhen-Yu Shi, Le Ai, Tao Shui*, Wen-Xing Yang*, Role of Er3+ion concentration on the Goos-Hänchen shift in an Er3+-doped YAG crystal, Journal of Optical Society of America B, 2023, 40: 1591-1598.

  7. Tong-Zhen Chen, Yu-Qian He, Zhen-Yu Shi, Le Ai, Tao Shui*, Wen-Xing Yang*, Uddin Zia, Coherent control of the photonic spin Hall effect by Er3+ion concentration in an Er3+-doped YAG crystal, Optical Materials Express, 2023, 10: 2964-2978.

  8. Xu Deng, Tao Shui *, Tong Zhang, Yi Song, Wen-Xing Yang*, Coherent control of double-ring perfect optical vortex via hyper-Raman scattering in a Landau-quantized graphene, European Physical Journal Plus, 2023, 138: 737.

  9. Tao Shui, Wen-Xing Yang*, Mu-Tian Chen, Ray-Kuang Lee, Optical nonreciprocity and nonreciprocal photonic devices with directional four-wave mixing effect, Optics Express, 2022, 30: 6284-6299.

  10. Tao Shui*, Xiu-Mei Chen, Wen-Xing Yang*, Coherent control of spatial and angular Goos-Hänchen shifts with spontaneously generated coherence and incoherent pumping, Applied Optics, 2022, 61: 10072-10079.

  11. Yi-Lou Liu, Ling Li, Tao Shui*, Ning Ji, Shao-Peng Liu, Wen-Xing Yang*, Two-color second-order sideband generation via magnon Kerr nonlinearity in a cavity magnonical system, Journal of Optical Society of America B, 2022, 39, 1042 (Spotlight on Optics).

  12. Yi Song, Ling Li, Tao Shui*, Die Hu, Wen-Xing Yang*, Topological Charge Measurement of the Mid-Infrared Vortex Beam via Spatially Dependent Four-Wave Mixing in an Asymmetric Semiconductor Double Quantum Well, Frontiers in Physics, 2022, 10: 907284.

  13. Xu Deng, Tao Shui*, Wen-Xing Yang*, T Coherent Control of Perfect Optical Vortex Through Four-Wave Mixing in an Asymmetric Semiconductor Double Quantum Well, Frontiers in Physics, 2022, 10: 877859.

  14. Tong Zhang, Die Hu, Tao Shui*, Li-Bo Jiang, Ling Li, Wen-Xing Yang*, Yingqi Liao, Coherent manipulation of perfect optical vortex via inelastic four-wave mixing in a cold five-level atomic system, Laser Physics Letters, 2022, 138: 737.

  15. Wang-Rui Zhang, Tao Shui*, Yi-Lou Liu, Ning Ji, Wen-Xing Yang*, Photon routing based on non-chiral interaction between atoms and waveguides, Laser Physics Letters, 2022, 19: 015203.

  16. Ning Ji, Tao Shui*, Yi-Lou Liu, Wang-Rui Zhang, Xiu-Mei Chen, Wen-Xing Yang*, Optical soliton in a one-dimensional array of a metal nanoparticle-microcavity complex, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2021, 73: 115105.

  17. Chun Meng, Tao Shui*, Wen-Xing Yang*, Yong-Hong Tian, Control of an electromagnetically induced grating by Er3+ ion concentration in an Er3+-doped YAG crystal, Journal of Optical Society of America B, 2021, 38, 2036-2042.

  18. Xiu-Mei Chen, Tao Shui*, Chun Meng, Tong Zhang, Xu Deng, Wen-Xing Yang*, Controllable Goos-Hänchen shift and optical switching in an Er3+ -doped yttrium aluminum garnet crystal, Laser Physics Letters, 2021, 18: 045205.

  19. Tao Shui, Ling Li, Xin Wang, Wen-Xing Yang*, One- and two-dimensional electromagnetically induced gratings in an Er3+ - doped yttrium aluminum garnet crystal, Scientific Reports, 2020, 10: 4019.

  20. Tao Shui, Wen-Xing Yang*, Ling Li, Perfectly asymmetric Raman-Nath diffraction in disordered atomic gratings, Optics Express, 2019, 27: 24693-24704.

  21. Tao Shui, Wen-Xing Yang*, Ling Li, Xin Wang, Lop-sided Raman-Nath diffraction in PT-antisymmetric atomic lattices, Optics Letters, 2019, 44: 2089-2092.

  22. Tao Shui, Wen-Xing Yang*, Qing-Ya Zhang, Xin Liu, Ling Li, Squeezing-induced giant Goos-Hänchen shift and hypersensitized displacement sensor in a two-level atomic system, Physical Review A, 2019, 99: 013806.

  23. Tao Shui, Wen-Xing Yang*, Shao-Peng Liu, Ling Li, Zhong-Hu Zhu, Asymmetric diffraction by atomic gratings with optical PT symmetry in the Raman-Nath regime, Physical Review A, 2018, 97: 033819.

  24. Tao Shui, Wen-Xing Yang*, Ai-Xi Chen, Shao-Peng Liu, Ling Li, Zhong-Hu Zhu, High-precision two-dimensional atom localization from four-wave mixing in a double-Λ four-level atomic system, Laser Physics, 2018, 28: 035201.

  25. Tao Shui, Zhi-Ping Wang*, Ben-Li Yu, Efficient two-dimensional atom localization via spontaneously generated coherence and incoherent pump, Journal of Optical Society of America B, 2015, 32, 210-217.

  26. Tao Shui, Zhi-Ping Wang*, Ben-Li Yu, Efficient two-dimensional atom localization via an external coherent magnetic field, Quantum Information Processing, 2015, 14: 929-941.

  27. Tao Shui, Zhi-Ping Wang*, Zhi-Gang Cao, Ben-Li Yu, Two-dimensional sub-half-wavelength atom localization via Autler-Townes microscopy, Laser Physics, 2014, 24: 055202.

  28. Tao Shui, Zhi-Ping Wang*, Ben-Li Yu, Controlling two-dimensional electron localization via phase-controlled absorption and gain in the three-coupled quantum wells, Physics Letters A, 2014, 378: 235-242.

  29. Tao Shui, Zhao Zhang, Chen-Chen Yin, Ben-Li Yu, Zhi-Gang Cao*, Large refractive index with vanishing absorption in optical fibers, Optik, 2014, 125: 4758-4761.























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