

余翔翔,男,工学博士,副教授,硕士生导师。入选2021年度16877太阳集团安全入口菁英人才计划。主要研究方向有低维纳米材料制备、微纳光电器件制备与测试、多物理场仿真等。目前,主持国家自然科学基金1项;在《Nano Energy》、《Applied Materials Today》、《Carbon》、《Journal of Materials Chemistry C》等期刊发表论文30余篇,已授权国家发明专利4项。








[1]   Xiang-Xiang Yu, Hong Yin, Hai-Xia Li, Wei Zhang, Han Zhao, Chong Li, Ming-Qiang Zhu, Piezo-phototronic effect modulated self-powered UV/visible/near-infrared photodetectors based on CdS:P3HT microwires, Nano Energy, 2017, 34: 155-163;

[2]   Xiang-Xiang Yu, Lei Wang, Hong YinHierarchical heterojunction structures based-on layered Sb2Te3 nanoplate@ rGO for extended long-term life and high-rate capability of sodium batteries, Applied Materials Today, 2019, 15: 582-589.

[3]   Xiang-Xiang Yu, et. al., A Novel High-Performance Self-Powered UV-Vis-NIR Photodetector Based on CdS Nanorod Array/Reduced Graphene Oxide Film Heterojunction and its Piezo-Phototronic Regulation, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2018,6:630-636.

[4]   Xiang-Xiang Yu, Yu-Hua Wang, Hua-Feng Zhang, De-Sheng Zhu, Yan Xiong, Wei-Bin Zhang, Fabrication of a cost effective and broadband self-powered photodetector based on Sb2Te3 and silicon. Nanotechnology, 2019, 30(34): 345202.

[5]   Pei-Ling Li, Yu-Hua Wang, Meng Shang, Lan-Fu Wu, Xiang-Xiang Yu, Enhanced optical limiting properties of graphene oxide-ZnS nanoparticles composites, Carbon, 2020,159: 1-8.

[6]   Can Wang, Yu-Hua Wang, Zu-Zhao Xiong, Pei-Ling Li, Xiang-Xiang Yu,2020 The optical properties of GeSe2 nano-films prepared by CVD, Optical Materials, 2020, 100: 109697.

[7]    Xiang-Xiang Yu and Yu-hua WangMeasurement of nonlinear optical refraction of composite material based on sapphire with silver by Kerr-lens autocorrelation method. Optics Express, 2014, 22: 177-182;

[8]   Xiang-Xiang Yu, Yuhua Wang and Yumei WangNonlinear optical refraction of Al2O3 single crystal doping with nickel nanoparticles measured by the Kerr-lens autocorrelation technique. Laser Physics, 2014, 24: 1-5;

[9]   Xiang-Xiang Yu, Yu-hua Wang, Xiao-jian Zhang, Hua-jian Chen, Deng-jing Wang, Yu-mei Wang, Femtosecond nonlinear optical refraction of single crystal alumina doped with copper ions. Materials Letters, 2015, 142: 332-334;

[10] Yin H., Cao M. -L., Xiang-Xiang Yu, Li C., Shen Y., Zhu M. -Q. Hierarchical CuBi2O4 microspheres as lithium-ion batteries anode with superior high-temperature electrochemical performance. RSC Advances, 2017, 7: 13250-13256 (共同一作);

[11] Yin H., Xiang-Xiang Yu, Cao M. -L., Zhang W., Zhao H., Li C., Shen Y., Zhu M. -Q. Self-Standing Bi2O3 Nanoparticles/Carbon Nanofiber Hybrid Film as Binder-Free Anode for Flexible Sodium Ion Batteries. Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 2017, 1: 1615-1621.(共同一作);

[12] Xiang-Xiang Yu, Yuhua Wang, Fei Liu and Yumei Wang. Nonlinear refraction of lithium niobate crystal doped with different metal nanoparticles. Materials Letters, 2014, 123: 35-37.

[13] Yin H., Xiang-Xiang Yu, Li Q. -W., Cao M. -L., Zhang W., Zhao H., Zhu M. -Q., Hollow porous CuO/C composite microcubes derived from metal-organic framework templates for highly reversible lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 5(706): 97-102.

[14] Yingni Hu, Yuhua Wang and Xiang-Xiang Yu, Enhancement of nonlinear optical properties of composite material based on Al2O3 by iron. Europhysics Letters, 2014, 108: 54005p1-p5.


 一种固态电池塑料封装材料及其应用:CN201810145164.1[P]. 2018-08-07

一种Te/C全固态电池及其制备方法:CN201710534526.1[P]. 2017-12-15.

一种一维硫化锑??碳复合材料、其制备方法和应用:CN201610964572.0[P]. 2017-02-15.

 一种产生太赫兹脉冲和实时检测的方法:CN201310533473.3[P]. 2014-02-05.

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