

1. 承担的学术研究课题



[1] Generation of broadband attosecond pulse via controlling quantum path by two color field in long wavelength driving regime. 第一作者, Commun. Theor. Phys., 55, 128-132  (2011).
[2] Magnetoresistance and anomalous thermal hysteresis in La0.67Ca0.33MnO3/CaCu3Ti4O12 composites. 第一作者, Phys. Status Solidi A , 208, 715-719 (2011).
[3] Dramatic cutoff extension and broadband supercontinuum generation in multi-cycle two color pulses. 第一作者, Opt. Express, 20, 9801-9809 (2012).
[4] Broadband isolated attosecond pulse with high spatiotemporal quality in pre-excited medium by multi-cycle two-color fields. 第一作者, Opt. Express, 20, 21346-21356 (2012).
[5] Ultra-short isolated attosecond emission in mid-infrared inhomogeneous fields without CEP stabilization. 第一作者,  J. Phys. B, 46, 145602 (2013).
[6] Efficient isolated attosecond emission in a pre-excited medium using noncarrier-envelope phase-stabilized nanoplasmonic fields. 第一作者, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 30, 2469-2475 (2013).
[7] Efficient supercontinuum generation by UV-assisted midinfrared plasmonic fields. 第一作者, Phys. Rev. A, 89, 023405 (2014).
[8] Ultra-broadband supercontinuum generation with a nonlinear chirped pulse for controlling quantum path. 第一作者, Optik, 125, 2723-2726 (2014).
[9] Generation of intense isolated attosecond pulses with high spatiotemporal quality by two-color polarization-gating Bessel-Gauss beams. 第一作者, Optics Communications, 339, 247-253 (2015).
[10] 中红外双色场量子调控下宽谱带阿秒脉冲的产生. 第二作者, 量子电子学报, 29, 530-535 (2012).
[11] Control of electron dynamics with a multicycle two-color spatially inhomogeneous field for efficient single-attosecond-pulse generation. 第二作者,Phys. Rev. A, 88, 063838 (2013).
[12] High-order harmonic generation from Rydberg atoms in inhomogeneous fields. 第二作者,  Opt. Express, 22, 25909-25922 (2014).
[13] Single circularly polarized attosecond pulse generation by spatially inhomogeneous fields from atoms with nonvanishing angular quantum number.第二作者, Optics Communications, 342, 68-72 (2015).

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