



长期从事量子光学、非线性光学和纳米光子学领域的研究,先后主持和承担国家自然科学基金项目、总装863专项课题、国家重点研发计划子课题、江苏省自然科学基金、企业合作科研项目等各级各类项目多项。在Physical Review A, Nanophotonics, Optics Letters, Optics Express等国内外权威刊物上发表受国际同行好评论文120余篇,论文被国内外同行正面引用3100余次,单篇最高引用近200次,7篇论文引用超过100次,ESI高被引论文4篇、ESI热点论文4篇,H因子35







2019.6~至今 16877太阳集团 教授

2011.42019.5 东南大学物理学院 教授(破格)

2008.42011.3 东南大学物理学院 副教授(破格)

2008.12008.12 台湾清华大学光电所 博士后

2007.42008.3 东南大学物理学院 讲师




(1)      Shui, Tao; Yang, Wen-Xing*; Cheng, Mu-Tian; Lee, Ray-Kuang; Optical nonreciprocity and nonreciprocal photonic devices with directional four-wave mixing effect, Optics Express, 2022, 30: 6284-6299.

(2)      Zeng, Jinfu; Cheng, Shubo*; Liu, Shuo; Zhang, Geng; Tao, Shahua; Yang, Wen-Xing*; Self-healing of the bored helico-conical beam, Optics Express, 2022, 30: 9924-9933.

(3)      Wang, Xin; Yang, Wen-Xing*; Chen, Ai-Xi; Li, Ling; Shui, Tao; Li, Xiyun; Wu, Zhen; Phase-modulated single-photon nonreciprocal transport and directional router in a waveguide–cavity–emitter system beyond the chiral coupling, Quantum Science Technology, 2022, 7: 015025

(4)      Chen, Ruoling; Li, Long; Jiang, Long; Yu, Xiangxiang; Zhu, Desheng; Xiong, Yan; Zheng, Dingshan*; Yang, Wen-Xing*; Small-diameter p-type SnS nanowire photodetectors and phototransistors with low-noise and high-performance, Nanotechnology, 2022, 33: 135707.

(5)      Wu, Zhen; Yang, Wen-Xing*; Li, Ling; Li, Xiyun; Wang, Xin; Enhanced second-order sideband via surface plasmon polaritons in a low-Q microcavity, J. Appl. Phys., 2022, 131: 053103.

(6)      Liu, Yilou; Li, Ling; Shui, Tao; Ji, Ning; Liu, Shaopeng; Yang, Wen-Xing*; Two-color second-order sideband generation via magnon Kerr nonlinearity in a cavity magnonical system, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2022, 391042.

(7)      Zeng, Jinfu; Zhang, Qinlang; Liu, Xuejuan;Chen, Yan; Xu, Yiping; Jin, Yuanyuan; Xiong, Yan; Tao, Shaohua; Yang, Wen-Xing*; Chen, Shubo*; Autofocusing airy beams carrying a new kind of power-exponent-phase vortices, Optics Communications, 2022, 507: 127635.

(8)      Pan, Changchang; Bu, Lili; Chen, Shihua*, Yang, Wen-Xing*; Mihalache, Dumitru; Grelu, Phhilippe; Baronio, Fabiao*; General rogue wave solutions under SU(2) transformation in the vector Chen-Lee-Liu nonlinear Schrodinger equation, Physica D, 2022, 434133204. 

(9)      Li, Xiyun; Wang, Xin; Wu, Zhen; Yang, Wen-Xing*; Chen, Ai-Xi*; Tunable magnon antibunching in a hybrid ferromagnet-superconductor system with two qubits, Physical Review B, 2021, 104224434.

(10)  Zheng, Dingshan; Wang, Hailu; Chen, Ruoling; Li, Long; Guo, Jiaxiang; Gu, Yue; Zubair, Muhammad M.; Yu, Xiangxiang; Jiang, Long; Zhu, Desheng; Xiong, Yan; Zhang, Han; Yang, Wen-Xing*; Miao, Jinshui*; High-detectivity tin disulfide nanowire photodetectors with manipulation of localized ferroelectric polarization field, Nanophotonics, 2021, 10(18)4637-4644.

(11)  Sun, Bo; Yu, Yingying; Zhu, Hongyu; Yang, Wen-Xing*; High Q-factor with spoof-anapole mode excitation in metamaterials, Optics Letters, 2021, 46(11)2630-2633.

(12)  Sun, Bo; Yu, Yingying; Wang, Hong; Zhu, Hongyu; Yang, Wen-Xing*; Analysis of coupling effect between metamolecules in toroidal metamaterials, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2021, 54(39)0-395104.

(13)  Yu, Yingying; Sun, Bo; Yang, Wen-Xing*; Anapole moment of localized plasmon polaritons based on a hybrid coupling mechanism, Optics Letters, 2020, 456386. (14) Sun, Bo; Yu, Yingying; Yang, Wen-Xing*; Enhanced toroidal localized spoof surface plasmons in homolateral double-split ring resonators, Optics Express, 2020, 28(11)16605-16615.

(14)  Gu, Wen-Ju*; Wang, Yue-Yuan; Yi, Zhen; Yang, Wen-Xing*; Sun, Li-Hui; Force measurement in squeezed dissipative optomechanics in the presence of laser phase noise, Optics Express, 2020, 28(8)12460-12474.

(15)  Tian, Yonghong; Wang, Xin; Yang, Wen-Xing*; Shui, Tao; Li, Ling; Li, Xiyun; Wu, Zhen; High-precision three dimensional atom localization via multiphoton quantum destructive interference, Optics Express, 2020, 28(17)25308-25318.

(16)  Shui, Tao; Li, Ling; Wang, Xin; Yang, Wen-Xing*; One- and two-dimensional electromagnetically induced gratings in an Er3+ - doped yttrium aluminum garnet crystal, Scientific Reports, 2020, 10(1)0-4019.

(17)  Li, Ling; Yang, Wen-Xing*; Shui, Tao; Wang, Xin; Ultrasensitive Sizing Sensor for a Single Nanoparticle in a Hybrid Nonlinear Microcavity, IEEE Photonics Journal, 2020, 12(3)0-4500708.

(18)  Sun, Bo; Yu, Ying-Ying; Zhang, Shun; Yang, Wen-Xing*; Propagation of toroidal localized spoof surface plasmons using conductive coupling, Optics Letters, 2019, 44(15)3861-3864.

(19)  Shui, Tao; Yang, Wen-Xing*; Li, Ling; Wang, Xin; Lop-sided Raman-Nath diffraction in PT-antisymmetric atomic lattices, Optics Letters, 2019, 44(8)2089-2092.

(20)  Shui, Tao; Yang, Wen-Xing*; Li, Ling; Perfectly asymmetric Raman-Nath diffraction in disordered atomic gratings, Optics Express, 2019, 27(17)24693-24704.

(21)  Liu, Shaopeng; Liu, Bo*; Wang, Junfeng; Sun, Tingting; Yang, Wen-Xing*; Realization of a highly sensitive mass sensor in a quadratically coupled optomechanical system, Physical Review A, 2019, 99(3)0-033822.

(22)  Shui, Tao; Yang, Wen-Xing*; Zhang, Qingya; Liu, Xin; Li, Ling; Squeezing-induced giant Goos-Hanchen shift and hypersensitized displacement sensor in a two-level atomic system, Physical Review A, 2019, 99(1)0-013806.

(23)  Liu, Shaopeng; Liu, Bo*; Yang, Wen-Xing*; Highly sensitive mass detection based on nonlinear sum-sideband in a dispersive optomechanical system, Optics Express, 2019, 27(4)3909-3919.

(24)  Yu, Yingying; Zhu, Hongyu; Sun, Bo; Yang, Wen-Xing*; Tunable toroidal Fano resonance in the multiple split-ring resonators metamaterials, Optik, 2020, 2160-164936.

(25)  Cheng, Shubo*; Xia, Tian; Liu, Mengsi; Xu, Yiping; Xu, Shan; Gao, Shufang; Zhang, Geng; Tao, Shaohua; Yang, Wen-Xing*; Ring-broken optical vortices with an adjustable opening, Results in Physics, 2019, 150-102689.

(26)  Zhang, Qingya; Chen, Ai-Xi; Zhang, Yuexin; Li, Ling; Yang, Wen-Xing*; Enhanced Kerr nonlinearity with a single quantum dot coupled to a gain cavity under weak-excitation limitation, Laser Physics Letters, 2019, 16(2)0-025204.

(27)  Yu, Yingying; Sun, Bo; Yang, Wen-Xing*; Fano resonance in partially complementary split ring resonators arranged in circular columns, Laser Physics, 2020, 30(2)0-025402.

(28)  Wang, Xin; Shui, Tao; Li, Ling; Li, Xiyun; Wu, Zhen; Yang, Wen-Xing*; Tunable single-photon diode and circulator via chiral waveguide-emitter couplings, Laser Physics Letters, 2020, 17(6)0-065201.

(29)  Zhang, Wei-Bin*; Xiao, Xun; Wu, Qing-Feng; Fan, Qiang; Chen, Shanjun; Yang, Wen-Xing*; Zhang, Fu-Chun; Facile synthesis of novel Mn-doped Bi4O5Br2 for enhanced photocatalytic NO removal activity, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 8260-154204.

(30)  Sun, Bo; Yu, Yingying; Zhu, Hongyu; Zhang, Shun; Yang, Wen-Xing*; Conductive coupling for efficient generation of multiple Fano resonances in multiple two-split-ring-resonators and its application in refractive index sensor, Optics Communications, 2020, 4600-125091.

(31)  Gao, Shufang*; Chen, Tongzhen; Hu, Mingyuan; Xu, Shan; Xiong, Yan; Cheng, Shubo; Zhang, Weibin; Wang, Yeqing; Yang, Wen-Xing*; Effects of Er3+concentration on the optical properties of Er3+:SrGdGa3O7single crystals, Optical Materials, 2019, 980-109502.

(32)  Meng, Chun; Shui, Tao; Yang, Wen-Xing*; Tian, Yong-Hong; Control of an electromagnetically induced grating by Er3+ion concentration in an Er3+-doped YAG crystal, Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics, 2021, 38(6)2036-2042.



(1)      Liu, SPYang, Wen-Xing(*)Zhu, ZH, Shui, T, Li, LQuadrature squeezing of a higher-order sideband spectrum in cavity optomechanicsOptics Letters2018439

(2)      Shui, T, Yang, Wen-Xing*, Liu, SP, Li, L, Zhu, ZH, Asymmetric diffraction by atomic gratings with optical PT symmetry in the Raman-Nath regime, Physical Review A 2018, 97: 033819

(3)      Li, LYang, Wen-Xing(*)Zhang YX, Shui, T, Chen, AX, Jiang, ZMEnhanced generation of charge-dependent second-order sideband and high-sensitivity charge sensors in a gain-cavity-assisted optomechanical systemPhysical Review A201898063840

(4)      Liu, SPYang, Wen-Xing(*)Shui, T, Zhu, ZH, Chen AXTunable two-phonon higher-order sideband amplification in a quadratically coupled optomechanical systemScientific Reports2017717637

(5)      Yang, Wen-Xing, Chen, Ai-Xi, Xie, Xiao-Tao, Ni, Linyu, Enhanced generation of higher-order sidebands in a single-quantum-dot-cavity system coupled to a PT-symmetric double cavity, Physical Review A 2017, 96: 013802

(6)      Yang, Wen-Xing, Chen, Ai-Xi, Xie, Xiao-Tao, Liu, Shaopeng, Liu, Shasha, Dynamics control of coherent pulses via destructive interference in graphene under Landau quantization, Scientific Reports 2017, 7: 2513

(7)      Yang, Wen-Xing, Xie, Xiao-Tao, Chen, Ai-Xi, Huang, Zi-Wen, Coherent control of high-order-harmonic generation via tunable plasmonic bichromatic near fields in a metal nanoparticle, Physical Review A 2016, 93: 053806

(8)      Yang, Wen-XingHigh-order harmonics in a quantum dot and metallic nanorod complexOptics Letters2015404903

(9)      Yang, Wen-XingLiu, SZhu, ZZiauddinLee, RKTunneling-induced giant Goos-Hanchen shift in quantum wellsOptics Letters2015403133

(10)  Yang, Wen-XingLin, YLee, TLee, RKivshar, Yuri S.Nonlinear localized modes in bandgap microcavitiesOptics Letters2010353207

(11)  Yang, Wen-XingChen, Ai-XiLee, Ray-KuangWu, YingMatched slow optical soliton pairs via biexciton coherence in semiconductor quantum dotPhysical Review A201184013835

(12)  Yang, Wen-XingChen, AXSi, LGJiang, KJYang, XXLee, RKThree coupled ultraslow temporal solitons in a five-level tripod atomic systemPhysical Review A201081023814

(13)  Yang, Wen-XingHou, JLee, RDetuning management of optical solitons in coupled quantum wellsPhysical Review A200979033825

(14)  Yang, Wen-XingHou, JLee, RUltraslow bright and dark solitons in semiconductor quantum wellsPhysical Review A200877033838

(15)  Yang, Wen-XingLee, RUltrafast optical switching in quantum dot-metallic nanoparticle hybrid systemsOptics Express20152313032

(16)  Yang, Wen-XingYang, XLee, RCarrier-envelope-phase dependent coherence in double quantum wellsOptics Express20091715402

(17)  Yang, Wen-XingControllable entanglement and polarization phase gate in coupled quantum-well structureOptics Express20081617161

(18)  Yang, Wen-XingZhan, ZhimingLi, JEfficient scheme for multipartite entanglement and quantum information processing with trapped ionsPhysical Review A200572062108

(19)  Yang, Wen-XingGong, XLi, JJin, LEfficient scheme for mesoscopic superpositions of motional coherent and squeezed coherent states of N trapped ionsPhysical Review A200470033812

(20)  Liu, SPYang, Wen-Xing(*)Chuang, YChen, Ai-XiLiu, AHuang, YLee, RKEnhanced four-wave mixing efficiency in four-subband semiconductor quantum wells via Fano-type interferenceOptics Express20142229179

(21)  Zhu, Zhonghu, Yang, Wen-Xing*, Xie, Xiao-Tao, Three-dimensional atom localization from spatial interference in a double two-level atomic system, Physical Review A 2016, 94: 013826

(22)  Liu, Shaopeng, Yang, Wen-Xing*, Zhu, Zhonghu, Effective hyper-Raman scattering via inhibiting electromagnetically induced transparency in monolayer graphene under an external magnetic field, Optics Letters 2016, 41: 2891

(23)  Si, LYang, Wen-Xing(*)Yang, XXSlow vector optical solitons in a cold five-level hyper V-type atomic systemOptics Express2009177771

(24)  Si, Liu-GangYang, Wen-Xing(*)Lue, Xin-YouHao, XiangyingYang, XiaoxueFormation and propagation of ultraslow three-wave-vector optical solitons in a cold seven-level triple-Lambda atomic system under Raman excitationPhysical Review A201082013836

(25)  Hou, Jing-MinYang, Wen-Xing(*)Liu, Xiong-JunMassless Dirac fermions in a square optical latticePhysical Review A200979043621

(26)  Su, YounanLin, Chun-YanHong, Ray-ChingYang, Wen-XingJeng, Chien-ChungLu, Tien-ChangLee, Ray-Kuang(*)Lasing on surface states in vertical-cavity surface-emission lasersOptics Letters2014395582

(27)  Sedov, ES(*)Alodjants, APArakelian, SMChuang, YLin, YYYang, Wen-XingLee, RKTunneling-assisted optical information storage with lattice polariton solitons in cavity-QED arraysPhysical Review A201489033828

(28)  Xie, Xiao-Tao(*)Li, Wei-BinLi, Jia-HuaYang, Wen-XingYuan, Aan-MingYang, XiaoxueTransverse acoustic wave in molecular magnets via electromagnetically induced transparencyPhysical Review B200775184423

(29)  Lue, XYang, Wen-XingYang, XEntanglement via atomic coherence induced by two strong classical fieldsPhysical Review A200980032305

(30)  Yang, Wen-XingLee, RKSlow optical solitons via intersubband transitions in a semiconductor quantum wellEPL20088314002

(31)  Yang, Wen-XingMa, WYang, LZhang, GLee, RKPhase control of group velocity via Fano-type interference in a triple semiconductor quantum wellOptics Communications2014324221

(32)  Yang, Wen-XingChen, Ai-XiGuo, HBai, YLee, RKCarrier-envelope phase control electron transport in an asymmetric double quantum dot irradiated by a few-cycle pulseOptics Communications201432896

(33)  Yang, Wen-XingChen, AXBai, YLee, RKUltrafast single electron transfer in coupled quantum dots driven by a few-cycle chirped pulseJournal of Applied Physics2014115143105

(34)  Yang, Wen-XingLu, JWZhou, ZKYang, LongLee, RKPhase control of light propagation via Fano interference in asymmetric double quantum wellJournal of Applied Physics2014115203104

(35)  Yang, Wen-XingZha, TingTingLee, RKGiant Kerr nonlinearities and slow optical solitons in coupled double quantum-well nanostructurePhysics Letters A2009374355

(36)  Yang, Wen-XingChen, Ai-XiZha, TLee, RKProbe absorptions in an asymmetric double quantum wellJournal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics200942225501

(37)  Yang, Wen-XingGong, ZheXuanPractical scheme for quantum dense coding between three parties using microwave radiation in trapped ionsJournal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics2007401245

(38)  Yang, Wen-XingGong, ZheXuanLi, WeiBinYang, XiaoxueSimple scheme for implementing the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm in thermal cavityJournal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical200740155

(39)  Huang, ZW Chen, Ai-XiZhang, ZYang, Wen-Xing(*)Generation of ultrashort extreme-ultraviolet pulses by enhanced plasmonic near-fields in metallic nanoparticlesEPL201511124005

(40)  Zhang QYChen, Ai-XiZhang, YXYang, Wen-Xing(*)Enhanced Kerr nonlinearity with a single quantum dot coupled to a gain cavity under weak-excitation limitationLaser Physics Letters201916025204

(41)  Zhu, Zhonghu, Chen, Ai-Xi, Liu, Shaopeng, Yang, Wen-Xing*, High-precision three-dimensional atom localization via three-wave mixing in V-type three-level atoms, Physics Letters A 2016, 380: 3956

(42)  Chen, H, Yang, Wen-Xing*, Li, X, Quantify Glucose Level in Freshly Diabetic's Blood by Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy, Journal of Infrared Millimeter and Terahertz Waves 2018, 39: 399

(43)  Liu, Shaopeng, Yang, Wen-Xing*, Zhu, Zhonghu, Coherent control of the Goos-Hanchen shift via Fano interference, Journal of Applied Physics 2016, 119: 143101

(44)  Liu, Shaopeng, Yang, Wen-Xing*, Effective terahertz signal detection via electromagnetically induced transparency in graphene, Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics 2016, 33: 279

(45)  Liu, SP, Yang, Wen-Xing(*)Zhu, ZHLee, RKGiant enhanced four-wave mixing efficiency via two-photon resonance in asymmetric quantum wellsLaser Physics Letters201512095202

(46)  Zhu, ZH Yang, Wen-Xing(*)Chen, AiXiLiu, SPLee, RKTwo-dimensional atom localization via phase-sensitive absorption-gain spectra in five level hyper inverted Y atomic systemsJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics2015321070

(47)  Zhu, ZHChen, Ai-XiYang, Wen-Xing(*)Lee, RKPhase knob for switching steady-state behaviors from bistability to multistability via spontaneously generated coherenceJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics2014312061

(48)  Wang, ZChen, AXBai, YYang, Wen-Xing(*)Coherent control of optical bistability in an open Lambda-type three-level atomic systemJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics2012292891

(49)  Si, LGYang, Wen-Xing(*)Yang, XXUltraslow temporal vector optical solitons in a cold four-level tripod atomic systemJournal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics200926478

(50)  Si, LYang, Wen-Xing(*)Lue, XYLi, JYang, XXSlow vector optical solitons in a cold four-level inverted-Y atomic systemEuropean Physical Journal D200955161

(51)  Hou, JYang, Wen-Xing(*)Next-nearest-neighbor-tunneling-induced symmetry breaking of Hofstadter's butterfly spectrum for ultracold atoms on the honeycomb latticePhysics Letters A20093732774

(52)  Hao, XYang, Wen-Xing(*)Yang, XPolarization qubit phase gate in a coupled quantum-well nanostructurePhysics Letters A20083727081

(53)  Bai, Y(*)Yang, Wenxing(*)Controllable nonlinearity with vanishing absorption in four-level atomsOptics Communications20102835062

(54)  Bai, YYang, Wenxing(*)Noise properties in a two-arm microscope imaging system with classical thermal lightApplied Optics2010494554

(55)  Li, Wei-Bin(*)Yang, Wen-XingXie, Xiao-TaoLi, Jia-HuaYang, XiaoxueAvoided level-crossing, correlation and entanglement of two-component Bose-Einstein condensates in a double wellJournal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics2006393097

(56)  Xie, XT(*)Li, WYang, Wen-XingSlow bistable solitons in a cold three-state mediumJournal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics200639401

(57)  Chen, Hua Ma, Shi-HuaWu, Xiu-MeiYang, Wen-Xing, Zhao, TianDiagnose human colonic tissues by terahertz near-field imagingJournal of Biomedical Optics201520036017

(58)  Zhu, Zhonghu, Yang, Wen-Xing*, Chen, Ai-Xi, Dressed-state analysis of efficient three-dimensional atom localization in a ladder-type three-level atomic system, Laser Physics 2016, 26: 075203

(59)  Shui, T, Yang, Wen-Xing*, Chen, Ai-Xi, Liu, SP, Li, L, Zhu, ZH, High-precision two-dimensional atom localization from four-wave mixing in a double-Lambda four-level atomic system, Laser Physics 2018, 28: 035201

(60)  Liu, Shasha, Liu Shaopeng, Zhu, Zhonghu, Yang, Wen-Xing*, Laser Physics 2016, 26: 035401

(61)  Yang, Wen-XingHou, JLee, RKHighly efficient four-wave mixing via intersubband transitions in InGaAs/AlAs coupled double quantum well structuresJournal of Modern Optics200956716

(62)  Zhu, ZH(*)Chen, Ai-XiBai, YYang, Wen-Xing(*)Lee, RKControllable optical steady behavior from nonradiative coherence in GaAs quantum well driven by a single elliptically polarized fieldModern Physics Letters B2014281450117

(63)  Yang, Wen-XingChen, Ai-XiZha, TTBai, YLee, RKInterference-induced enhancement of field entanglement in a microwave-driven V-type single-atom laserCentral European Journal of Physics201412737

(64)  Yang, Wen-XingChen, AXBai,YLee,RKPhase control of optical steady-state behaviors from Fano-type interference in triple semiconductor quantum wellsOptik20151262003

(65)  Bai, Y(*)Yang, Wen-XingHan, DThe visibility analysis of correlated imaging based on the coherent mode representationOptik20141253825

(66)  Bai, Y(*)Yang, Wen-XingYu, XHan, SGhost diffraction, lensless system and 2-f systemOptik2011122451

(67)  Bai, Y(*)Yang, KYang, Wen-XingYu, XNoise analysis in correlated imaging, quantum and classicalOptik20111221791


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